#OnePerson Newsletter, August 11, 2023

I'm #OnePerson Who Makes a Difference!

Friday, August 11, 2023

β€œOne person can and does make a difference.”

- Albert Schweitzer

(Philosopher & Humanitarian)

Dear ,

Guess who's stealing the spotlight this month? None other than the incredible Hauwa Ojeifo, a 30-year-old dynamo hailing from Edo State! πŸŽ‰

From childhood cheer to navigating through what felt like emotional mazes, Hauwa's life took unexpected twists. But guess what? She turned challenges into her superpower! πŸ’₯

In 2014, a storm of shame hit when she faced sexual abuse. But guess what Hauwa did? She decided, "

Hey world, therapy's my new bestie!

" And guess what? She didn't stop there!

Fast forward to 2015: Bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mild psychosis – Hauwa stared them down and said, "

Not today

!" πŸ’ͺ

2016 rolls in and guess what? Hauwa goes, "

You know what would be cool

? Let's flip the script!" πŸ“šβœ¨ She cranks up "

," a superhero non-profit, to smash mental health stigma and hold hands with fellow warriors.

Hauwa's on a mission: No more hush-hush about mental health. Let's chat, seek help, and give society's stigma a serious side-eye! πŸ‘€

So, roll up your sleeves, click

and dive into Hauwa's epic journey!

To nominate yourself or someone you know for this prestigious honour, click here.


 πŸ“’ Calling Early to Mid-Career Pros in Civil Society, Media, and Policy! 🌍 Join Agora Policy's Workshops on Policy Analysis & Advocacy. Enhance your skills for evidence-based policy work in Nigeria.



Stay safe this weekend.The EiE Nigeria Team.