EiE Nigeria Weekly Update Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Help Us Get These Important Stories Heard!

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we havedone for others and the world remains and is immortal.”- Albert Pike (American Poet, Jurist and Orator)

Dear Active Citizen,

In one of the episodes on #OOTCZamfara, the deplorable state of Jama'atul Nasir Islam Primary School, Government Day Secondary School and Danturai Government Day Secondary School in Birnin Ruwa, where students learn under a dilapidated building was discussed. The conversation encouraged members of the community affected to demand the Zamfara state government to commence renovation of the schools. Weeks later, government representatives visited the schools & a renovation contract was awarded.This is more than just venting on the radio, this shows that citizens can take action & GET RESULTS!

We believe the #OfficeOfTheCitizen is the highest office in the land and as such, citizens must be provided with the platforms that give them a voice in the affairs of their state.Make a gift to help us get these important stories heard!PLEASE DONATE TODAY!

Have a great week!

The EiE Nigeria Team