EiE Nigeria Weekly Update Friday, September 7, 2019


Friday, September 6, 2019 EiE Nigeria Weekly Update

“The forces that unite us are intrinsic and greater than thesuperimposed influences that keep us apart.”- Kwame Nkrumah(First President of Ghana)

There were reports of public outrage in response to news of xenophobic attacks against Nigerians living in South Africa on Monday, September 2nd. President Muhammadu Buhari sent a special envoy to the South African government to register our country's displeasure over the killings of innocent Nigerians.Sequel to the  public outcry, President Buhari took other strong definitive measures by pulling out of the World Economic Forum (WEF) currently taking place in South Africa, in addition, the Nigerian Ambassador to South Africa, Kabiru Bala was also recalled.However, there are several reported cases of misleading videos and pictures of xenophobic attacks which are being circulated in the public space over the internet. Please verify before sharing such videos and pictures with others.We condemn in strong-terms the counterattacks and looting of some South African-owned companies operating within Nigeria!

SERAP, EiE, BudgIT and over 6,700 active citizens have filed a lawsuit asking the Federal High Court to restrain the National Assembly Service Commission from releasing the money to them till there is a downward review of the budget.

#OfficeOfTheCitizen On Radio  

Our #OfficeOfTheCitizen radio programmes provide opportunities for citizens to engage their elected representatives.  Mr Adejoro Adeogun was on air in #OOTCOndo to engage his constituents. This is the 4th in the series of the radio legislative town hall meetings. Click to catch up on the conversation.

You can follow the conversations on the #OfficeOfTheCitizen radio programs in 25 states.

Never forget, the Office of the Citizen is the highest office in the land!

Tweet at @EiENigeria using #OfficeOfTheCitizen to be a part of the conversation.

What is being subsidized isn’t really the cost of importing petrol. It is the corruption, fraud, and incompetence of the Nigerian ruling class. Who benefits? Read more.

We will keep demanding until our girls are brought BACK & ALIVE!#EducationIsNotACrime #BringBackOurGirls #5YearsTooLongAbuja – Unity Fountain, Daily, 5 – 6pm

Lagos - Noon – 1pm

Ikoyi (Every Saturday)  Falomo Roundabout, Ikoyi.

Ejigbo (2nd & last Saturdays) - 64, Adewale Adenuga Street, Orilowo Bus stop via Binta International School.

Have a great weekend!The EiE Nigeria Team