EiE Nigeria Weekly Update Friday, April 10, 2020

5G and COVID-19: Myths and Facts

Friday, April 10, 2020 EiE Nigeria Weekly Update

"The danger with conspiracy theorists is the fact that they just make things up, because there is no proof, evidence and rigorous evaluation to their claims. It is disturbing that this should be our focus in this critical period."- Jide Awe(Information and Communication Technology expert)

5G & COVID-19: Myths and Facts

The Nigeria Communications Commission has cleared doubts over 5G, COVID-19 and Security. Some frequently asked questions are answered below and you can read more.

  1. What is 5G? 5G is an improvement on the current 4G technology to upgrade telecommunications and mobile connectivity.

  2. Do we have 5G network Nigeria now? No. There is no 5G network in Nigeria at the moment. What we had was a trial test for 3 months which has since been concluded and installation decommissioned.

  3. Are there 5G deployments around the world? Yes, in countries like South Korea, China, USA, Germany and others since the middle of 2019.

  4. Is the radiation from 5G different from that of 2G, 3G and 4G? No, they all belong to the same class of non-ionizing radiation.

  5. Can 5G suppress the immune system? The idea that 5G lowers your immune system cannot be proven scientifically. Your immune system is known to be affected by poor diet, stress, anxiety & insufficient sleep.

  6. Is 5G causing Corona virus? No, there is no link whatsoever between 5G and Corona virus.

Exercising in groups is not social distancing, it’s selfish!

COVID-19 is spreading and people are dying daily.

You can survive without group exercise

for a few weeks.

Let's be responsible!

World Health Day

Tuesday, April 7th, marked World Health Day. We appreciate our health workers who are at the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19.They stay at work for us, let’s stay at home for them.#StayHome

Support the Fight Against COVID-19

If it affects #OnePerson, it affects all of us!Many thanks to all those who take part in supporting, donating and helping to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. Do you want to make a difference by helping the needy? Click to support.

Please stay safe!The EiE Nigeria Team